Friday, 17 February 2012

My First Blog Entery

So this is my first blog entry. So I have to tell you a bit bout myself. My teacher gave me some questions to answer so I will. What motivated me to take the photography and publishing class, is I love taking pictures I'm a photogentic person. I don't own a camera yet, I'm going to be buying one soon tho. I like to take photographs of people, the style of photography I like is black and white. My favorite photogeapher has to be my sister Amber Hayward, I love the pictures and the styles she does. I have edited photographs before, the programs I use to edit them are adobe, it's so easy to use once you get the hang of it. I do know a photographer it is my sister. I hope to do different styles that I haven't done before. Thats all you get to know so idk I guess bye for now.