Friday, 22 June 2012


 I love this photo because its me and my kitty!<3 but sadly it died :'( so i thought in memory of tiger (that was her name) i would put a photo that i took of her and me together. 

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


So I'm way behind in my blog so I think this one was supose to be up a few weeks ago... But anywho that weeks theme was games and I took this photo of hockey monoply. I like this photo because it looks like some people were playing the game and i came up behind them anad snipped a picture and ran away.
I was in a hurry, so I quickly found a borad game in a class room and grabbed a random bored game, brittany was my little helper and we took it out, quickly snapped a few pictures and put everything away and took off. So I would like to thank my little helper Brittany! thanks love :D 

outdoor lighting techniques

 front lighting
I took this picture when the sun was peeking over my shoulder, so it
can light up my subjects face.
 side lighting
I took this photo of my subject when she was sideways to the sun,
and so theres only a bit of her face thats lighten up and the rest our shadows.

back lighting
I took this photo of my subject, where her back is facing the sun, so you only
have the top of her hair glowing and her shoulders lit up. The rest of her body is shadow.

Friday, 11 May 2012


This week well last weeks was light, this picture was taken in front of the school, in the plants, I like this how the sun shines threw. I like how you can see the blue in the background. I took a few pictures before like it, but this one was the best.


This week well actually a couple of weeks ago was in depth, and i took this picture of a tree, The camera angle is looking staight up to the sky. I really like this picture because it's taken at a unique angle.
I also like how the sun kinda peeks into the tree. I also love how its a perfect blue sky in the background. It reminds me of some memorys, just sitting outside underneath a tree in the shade, reading a good book. 

Friday, 20 April 2012

Looking Up

This is looking up, I like this one because it has the sky, some trees, and a lamp post. I also like the clouds. I thought this would be really cool, I think it would be better if it was at night and the lamp post light was on. It would be way better.I took alot of pictures of looking up and this one was the best.

Group Photo

This assignment this week was group photos, we got to choose are group and go on a little adventure. I took this photo, This is my favorite picture I took cause its a silly, fun enviroment, and i happened to capture that moment. I love how Brittany (in the yellow) is being herself and I finally have picture of Alicia (in the blue sitting down) smiling. 
I edited this photo because how i took it i was to far away and everyone looked so bland (no offensive to them), so I touched them up and made them stand out more. I bet your wondering how we got on the school bus , well that's a funny story. We were standing outside of the school and I was taking pictures of them and a school bus pulled up, and I remember someone saying wouldn't that be cool if we were in the school bus taking pictures. Heino got up and went to the bus and asked the bus driver if we could take pictures in the bus. The bus driver said yes and thats when I took this photo. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Cool prop ideas for photos

I like all these pictures because there cute and cool ideas to do with pictures. I got all the pics from pintrest

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

In Motion

I took this picture because there were cars driving by. They kinda looked like there parked in the middle of the road. Before I took this picture I really didn't know what to take, then I looked out the window anad there were cars driving by.
I had an amazing idea (Light bulb going on). I'm going to take pictures of cars driving by. I took about 5 pictures of cars going by and I liked this one the most.  

Thursday, 1 March 2012


The theme we did this week was Fresh. I took this pcture because my mom just made fresh chicken noodle soup. I really didn't know what to take a picture of so I was like 'hmmm chicken soup it's fresh and it's yummy so I will take a pic of this.'
So after I took this picture, I felt like a fatty cause I had i think 3 bowls of it. I took alot of pictures of the soup, but they weren't as good as this picture. Now I really want soup.This is soe yummy soup , perfect for when you have a cold.

Friday, 17 February 2012

My First Blog Entery

So this is my first blog entry. So I have to tell you a bit bout myself. My teacher gave me some questions to answer so I will. What motivated me to take the photography and publishing class, is I love taking pictures I'm a photogentic person. I don't own a camera yet, I'm going to be buying one soon tho. I like to take photographs of people, the style of photography I like is black and white. My favorite photogeapher has to be my sister Amber Hayward, I love the pictures and the styles she does. I have edited photographs before, the programs I use to edit them are adobe, it's so easy to use once you get the hang of it. I do know a photographer it is my sister. I hope to do different styles that I haven't done before. Thats all you get to know so idk I guess bye for now.